Working with us is simple

Make money in 3 easy steps.
Sign up

Takes you only one minute to fill out the form. We'll review your application promptly.


Promote your associate link/coupon across various modern platforms like TikTok, Instagram, Facebook Reels, YouTube Shorts, and other cutting-edge channels.


Receive a commission on sales of items in your Backoffice.

The Benefits of Being a Cyna's Associate

NO joining fee - start right away
Enjoy your earnings by promoting products that tell a story all while making your mark as a Heritage builder.
30-Day Cookie Duration: Earn commissions for 30 days after clicks.
Access to our marketing material and dedicated support
Earn more - By Building a Network Team
Unlock Additional Products - Each Tier Grants Access to Selling More Items

Commission Tiers

Receive higher commissions when you bring in more sales. Unlock more items in each tier.

up to 12% (Turtle Tier 1)

<$2000 ($0-1999)

up to 16% (Squirrel Tier 2)

>=$2000 ($2000-5999)

up to 18% (Woodpecker Tier 3)

>=6000 ($6000-♾️)

Cyna's Associate FAQ

How long does the approval process take until I become an associate?
Once you have filled out the sign up form, we'll review your application promptly.
How will I know if my application is approved?
Our team will carefully review your application and if yours is approved, then you'll receive an email confirming your acceptance and some marketing material to help you get started. For denials, we will also email you that your request has been rejected.
How are referrals tracked?
When you join the associate program, you'll get your own dashboard. Here, you can handle your associate links and coupons. When customers buy using your link or coupon, you earn commissions. With links, even if customers don’t buy right away, your associate cookie stays in their browsers. So, if they buy later, you still earn commissions, as long as the cookie's still there.
How do I get paid with your associate program?
Our associates get paid directly to their PayPal account. You must have a PayPal account to receive your payouts.
When do I get paid with your associate program?
When you successfully bring in orders, Cyna's will review your orders and pay commissions on the basis that both parties have agreed on. Payments are issued approximately 14 days (this accommodates for returns) after approved sales, on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month.
Who is this associate program for?
Everyone & anyone with an interest in our business: influencers, content creators. anyone with a phone. "When you become part of our team, you're not just selling jewelry; you're also contributing to the preservation of our heritage" - TPL II